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CFD Expansion Survey - GLG Research

1. On a scale of 1 to 5 how excited are you about the proposed expansion of CFD and greater horse racing operations right here in Cheyenne?
2. Would you support a half penny sales tax to help fund expanding road infrastructure to accommodate the increased vehicular traffic during horse racing operations?
3. Would you support Laramie County or the City exercising eminent domain to expand parking at Frontier CFD for up to 2000 cars and 100 semis and other vehicles?
4. Would you support the County Commissioners allocating funds to conduct odor abatement to accommodate the 300 to 400 additional horses year round at the facility?
5. Generally speaking horse racing tracks are typically confined to rural areas, now Cheyenne has the opportunity to be the test case for the first urban horse racing facility in Wyoming or the region. Rate your excitement on a scale of 1 to 5.
6. Do you agree that publicly traded, experienced, multinational corporations can be just as good corporate citizens as local employers with employees from the community?
7. Would you support special tax offsets to incentivize out-of-state employees to relocate to Cheyenne to handle the expanded larger operations of the horse racing track at CFD?
This question requires a valid email address.
9. What Sex are you?